Join the Lab During Our

Spread The Love
Annual Membership Sale!

Embark on a year-long journey of growth for 20% off!

✔️ Raise more money, build an effective and engaged board, and grow your army of supporters to act as ambassadors and volunteers…

✔️ Invest in yourself and become a better and more capable leader…

✔️ Bring more balance to your life, even if it feels like that’s currently impossible…

✔️ Bonuses: The 2024 Board Bible and gift someone else a membership – on us!

This is the promise of the Nonprofit Leadership Lab.

Training, Support, and Community for Leaders of Small & Medium Orgs

Executive Directors

You’ll do whatever it takes for those you serve, even if it means sacrificing your pay… your free time… your relationships… even your health.


You’ve gotten your nonprofit off to a good start but you know you could have a much bigger impact and would just love a clear path.

Board Leaders

You care deeply about your cause and passionately want to help your organization become sustainable for the long haul.

Senior Staffers

You’re concerned that your organization might not be focused on what will get you to the next level.

Grow As a Leader

Learn the key attributes of great leadership and how to create a smart strategic plan.

Build a 5-Star Board

Engaged, motivated, and fully understanding their roles and responsibilities.

Raise More Money

Gain capacity and financial stability from a more diverse pool of funds.

Attract More Supporters

Grow your posse of donors, volunteers, and others who will help spread your mission.

Create a Workplace of Choice

Grow and lead an amazing and inspired staff that works hand-in-hand with the board.

Live a More Balanced Life

Stop feeling compelled to do whatever it takes ALL. THE. TIME.

Are you ready to have a much bigger impact?

We can teach you how.
Joan Garry

“This promotion is more than a discount; it’s a testament to our shared journey in making the world a better place, one nonprofit at a time.”

Hi, I’m Joan Garry, Founder of the Nonprofit Leadership Lab

We are so excited to announce our “Spread the Love” promotion, a celebration that resonates deeply with our own identity and mission.

Nonprofits are the backbone of communities, driving change and making a significant impact. By offering this promotion, we’re not just spreading the love; we’re honoring the spirit of resilience, dedication, and impact that we share with you. We’re spreading the good. It’s our way of acknowledging the hard work and commitment it takes to make a difference, and ensuring that organizations like yours have the support and resources they need to thrive.

We help you. We celebrate you. We care deeply.

We created the Nonprofit Leadership Lab for you. Here in the Lab you’ll find…


Gain access to the Lab’s entire training library. Go deep on fundraising, developing your board, building your audience, leadership, strategy, self-care, and scaling your organization.


Support and encouragement when you need it most. After all, it can sure be lonely at the top. Especially when everything falls on your shoulders. Our community of kindred spirits is kind and generous.


A single expert seminar in the Lab is like an expensive private consulting session, one that most small nonprofits simply can’t afford.


Time is your most valuable resource. Lab members get exclusive access to many time-saving resources they can adapt for their own purposes.

The Nonprofit Leadership Lab can help your organization thrive.

Since 2017, the Lab has helped more than 20,000 nonprofits dramatically increase their impact while allowing their leaders more time for lives outside of work.

The Nonprofit Leadership Lab is a supportive, collaborative, affirmative and resourceful space that will assist in your personal and organizational development. There is a plethora of resources and a community of people ready and willing to offer guidance and advice as you face challenges, celebrate with you on your wins, and inspire you to do the work of fulfilling the mission of your organization.

Jennifer Fowler

Executive Director, Project C.L.O.U.D.S.

There’s so much wisdom right there at your fingertips. You can post a question and within minutes other Lab members chime in with their knowledge. I know I have avoided some major mistakes being a first time Executive Director because I am part of this Lab. I feel like I have a personal mentor right by my side, teaching me the tricks of the trade. The classes in the Lab have been a game changer.
Adrien Stinnett

Executive Director, J 127 Ministry

Supercharge Your Nonprofit Leadership

Embark on a year-long journey of growth with 20% off!

Payment Methods Accepted

Get in touch with us if you have any questions!

Did my first direct ask from a donor and received a $30,000 donation – Thanks to Masterclass: The Perfect Fundraising Lunch (with Joan Garry)!

Priscilla Hardin McIntosh


I now understand how a thriving nonprofit is supposed to work and that knowledge will help me in everything I do going forward. I cannot thank you enough and please note that I am an evangelist for NLL and tell everyone I know that they need to join!

Karen Kegelman

Director of Development

ANNUAL PLAN – 20% Discount

$392 (first year)

After the first year: $490 / year

Access to ALL Trainings and Resources
(from more than 40 experts)

Membership in the Village
(our amazing community!)

Workshops and Grant Writing Bootcamps
(at no extra cost)

Live Q&As with our experts
(including Joan Garry)

Full access to our comprehensive Q&A database


Outstanding Trainings & Time Saving Resources

Receive outstanding professional development and masterclass training from more than 40 experts in fields like fundraising, board development, marketing, team building, leadership, finance, and more.

Save valuable time with downloadable checklists, templates, quick wins, book summaries, and the most comprehensive database of nonprofit questions and answers available anywhere.

I was looking for mentorship and to learn from other leaders. I, myself, did not ‘grow up’ in the nonprofit arena. One of the best results I’ve gotten [from the Lab] is I’ve gone from a board of four members to a board of twelve, fully engaged. Our work has gone off the charts!

Aaron Saenz

President, San Gabriel Valley LGBTQ Center

Valerie Anderson
I came across the Nonprofit Leadership Lab and jumped at the opportunity. Smartest thing I ever did. Read through the resources, listened to the Q&A live sessions, asked questions, learned how to build a board, how to fundraise. I actually serve on seven nonprofit boards. Oh, it’s a whole new ballgame and I’m so grateful for what I discovered in the Leadership Lab.
Barbara Ingraham

Board Leader, The Milwaukee Breakwater Lighthouse

Connection & Inspiration

Nonprofit leadership can feel lonely. When you join the Lab, you enter a community of thousands of nonprofit peers. Like-minded superheroes who lean on and support each other every day.

Join for the amazing content. Stay for the remarkable community!

I have been active for only a week in the village here and on the website, and while it might sound cheesy, I just want to share, I don’t feel alone anymore and the overwhelmed feeling is somewhat under control. Can’t wait to act on the nuggets of knowledge I am getting from all of you. Thank you for this space and support!

Uma Soman

Founder, Listening Together

It’s important to have a safe place to go. Where politics and personality don’t get in the way of the work. Thank you! Not only is it safe but informative and always at the ready.

Beth Ryan

Executive Director, Stepping Forward LA

Workshops & Boot Camps

Each month, Lab members have the opportunity to go deeper and accomplish more in a shorter time period than they might have thought possible.

“A lot more grants started coming in after I had our program manager participate in Lindsay’s grant writing bootcamp… We have tripled our budget since I started the lab and went from less than 3 months reserves to a year of reserves! YOU and the village have been a HUGE part of that success!”

Arissa Gabe Palmer

Executive Director, BreastfeedLA

Boot camps are expert-guided intensives lasting approximately eight weeks and include pep talks, weekly homework, watch parties, live feedback sessions, and private small group activities.

Boot camps are included for all members at no extra charge and participants who complete a boot camp receive a Certificate of Completion. In some cases, CFRE credit is even available!

Ready to Lock In 20% Off Your First Year in the Lab?

Payment Methods Accepted

Get in touch with us if you have any questions!

Did my first direct ask from a donor and received a $30,000 donation – Thanks to Masterclass: The Perfect Fundraising Lunch (with Joan Garry)!

Priscilla Hardin McIntosh


I now understand how a thriving nonprofit is supposed to work and that knowledge will help me in everything I do going forward. I cannot thank you enough and please note that I am an evangelist for NLL and tell everyone I know that they need to join!

Karen Kegelman

Director of Development

ANNUAL PLAN – 20% Discount

$392 (first year)

After the first year: $490 / year

Access to ALL Trainings and Resources
(from more than 40 experts)

Membership in the Village
(our amazing community!)

Workshops and Grant Writing Bootcamps
(at no extra cost)

Live Q&As with our experts
(including Joan Garry)

Full access to our comprehensive Q&A database


Still Have Questions?

Who is the Lab for? Is it just for Executive Directors?

The Lab is absolutely perfect for all leaders of small and mid-sized nonprofits:

  • Executive Directors
  • Founders
  • Senior staff who report to the E.D.
  • Board chairs
  • Board committee leaders

Why the focus on smaller nonprofits?

Perhaps one of these situations sounds familiar?

  • An Executive Director who can’t possibly take a vacation – ever – because if she missed a week all the work would literally stop.
  • A sole staff member that could have oh-so-much more impact if only there was remotely adequate funding.
  • A board chair who often bickers with the Executive Director and is frustrated that board members don’t raise nearly enough money.

Nonprofits are messy. They’re hardwired that way.

There’s rarely enough money, too many cooks, and an abundance of passion. Messy.

As the leader of a nonprofit – especially a smaller one – this messiness makes you feel exhausted and overwhelmed a lot of the time. You’re being pulled in a million directions and sometimes you feel all alone.

Wouldn’t it be so nice to have a board with deep pockets? A large staff? A brand everyone has heard of?

Sure. Big nonprofits have some nice advantages. Though many of these challenges can happen at big nonprofits too.

In many ways smaller nonprofits have it tougher.

Why? Because larger, well-funded nonprofits have the capacity to get outside help. They can hire consultants, fundraising experts, have their board get expensive ongoing training, spend for professional development opportunities or expensive donor software.

That’s a big advantage.

But at a smaller nonprofit like yours? Not a chance.

It’s a big problem. And one we aim to fix.

Is the Lab meant for people who haven't started their nonprofit yet?

While our focus is on helping existing small and mid-sized nonprofits thrive, there are certainly members of the Lab who joined so they can get their nonprofits started the right way, right off the bat.

What does the Lab cost?

We get it. Most small nonprofits don’t have a budget for professional development. It’s very possible this is coming out of your own pocket.

So we know how important it is to keep this as affordable as possible. The Lab should not be a burden.

Since the price may change each time we open the doors to new members, we don’t publish the price until the doors are open. That said, we can assure you that the monthly cost of the Lab is less than:

  • You spend on coffee each month
  • That gym membership you rarely use
  • 3 movie theatre tickets per month (or 2 in New York City)
  • Your internet connection

In other words, we offer everyone the “small nonprofit rate”.

Will you ever increase the price?

As long as you keep your membership active, you’ll keep your current price. Even when new members come in and pay more if the prices go up in the future, you’ll get to keep your lower price.

Can I cancel any time I want?


Monthly members pay for the Lab just one month at a time and can cancel any time they want. If you sign up for an annual plan, you can cancel any time during the year with no further payments (though you’ll remain a member for the year you already paid for).

Once you cancel your account you will retain access to the Lab until your current monthly or annual subscription period ends. You can, of course, rejoin during any future open registration period at whatever the current price is at that time.

Do most members pay themselves, or do their orgs pay the membership fee?

It really is a split. Many Lab members do pay for this out of pocket. Many others have their organizations pay for the Lab out of a professional development budget.

Can I share my membership with someone else in my organization?

The entire goal is to help you build a thriving nonprofit so clearly you need to be able to share some of the material to do that. For example, if there is a template or checklist or something like that and you want to copy it and use it internally with other folks at your organization, that’s expected and entirely fine. Our policy is one account = one person. So, while you’re welcome to bring people in to watch a video course together, we do ask that you not share your login. Additionally, only you would have access to the Village.

Do you offer group memberships?
Yes! If you are interested in a group membership for 3 or more people, please reach out to our team at

Lead With Intention. Succeed With Support.

Join the Lab today for 20% off!